Murder Mystery

Dearest Gentlefolk of the Ton,

It is with the utmost delight that we invite you for an evening most splendid. On the eve of Saturday, September 21, at 7 p.m., your presence is requested for an affair most enigmatic and exhilarating: a Bridgerton themed Murder Mystery Party that promises to be the talk of the season.

Brought to you by the Champions of the Grande Prairie Public Library and the Cavalcade Theatre Company, prepare yourselves for an evening of scintillating conversation, delectable refreshments, and an atmosphere imbued with an air of suspense. Don your most elegant attire, ready your wits, and sharpen your powers of deduction, for this is an event not to be missed.

Tickets are $40 and available for cash purchase at the Grande Prairie Public Library.

This event is for ticket-holders only.

We eagerly await your presence on this most anticipated of nights. Until then, remain ever so vigilant, and may your curiosity be ever piqued..

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