Our Supporters

With help from our generous supporters, GPPL is able to serve the community with innovative programs and services aimed at tackling social inequalities, such as food security, period poverty, and the digital divide. We proudly recognize the contributions these supporters have made to the Grande Prairie Public Library’s programs, services, and events.

If you are interested in becoming a supporter of the Library, check out our Canada Helps page to see what projects require support, or contact Hailey at 780-357-7474.

Supporters in 2023

Core Funders:

City of Grande Prairie
County of Grande Prairie
MD of Greenview
Province of Alberta


Be the first!


Be the first!


Be the first!


International Paper in support of Pretty Fly for a Wi-Fi


Be the first!


Pembina Pipeline Corporation in support of Pretty Fly for a Wi-Fi

TC Energy in support of the Little Free Pantry


Be the first!


Be the first!

Supporters in previous years: