Cosmic Circus Children's Books

Celebrate the start of our Summer Reading Games! This year's theme is Cosmic Circus! The Summer Reading Games encourage and reward reading over the course of the summer, with programs and prizes.

In July we are introducing three new books for our Itty Bitty Book Club! Our picture books are Fearless Mirabelle & Meg by Katie Haworth and Stardust by Jeanne Willis. Our middle-grade read is Circus Mirandus, a fantasy novel by Cassie Beasley.

Circus Mirandus

Beasley, Cassie, author

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Circus skills

Circus skills

Turnbull, Stephanie, author

Curiosity : the story of a Mars rover

Curiosity : the story of a Mars rover

Motum, Markus, author, illustrator

Fearless Mirabelle & Meg

Fearless Mirabelle & Meg

Haworth, Katie, author

Mirabelle is fearless and promises to be the best acrobat of all, unlike her twin sister Meg, who is afraid of heights, but when Mirabelle has fears of her own, it may be Meg's time to shine.

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How to catch a star

How to catch a star

Jeffers, Oliver, author, artist

A place for Pluto

A place for Pluto

Wade, Stef, author.

Shocked to be stripped of his planet status, Pluto goes on a quest to find his place in the universe. Includes educational materials.

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A small surprise

A small surprise

Yates, Louise

A little rabbit, too small even to wipe his own nose, is just the right size to do one very special thing.

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Willis, Jeanne, author

XO, Exoplanet

XO, Exoplanet

Underwood, Deborah, author

When Jupiter notices a planet circling a far star, he enlists the other planets in our solar system to send a letter, but soon there is a disagreement on which, exactly, is the exoplanet.

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